Medical Malpractice Attorneys

Was your child injured during labor or delivery?

The birth of a child should be one of the most joyous times of a family's life. Families rely upon doctors to provide the level of treatment and care not only based upon today's medical standards but with the same level of care they would provide when bringing their own children into the world. When any medical professional involved in the pregnancy, labor or delivery fails to provide proper care, this can turn what should be a positive experience into a traumatic one. Medical malpractice on the part of an obstetrician, OB/GYN, nurse, physician or other medical professional can cause serious birth injuries that threaten a baby's ability to grow up to lead a normal life. Certain birth injuries may be fatal. Some examples include fractures, paralysis and oxygen deprivation. Depending on the type of injury sustained, a young victim may require expensive medical equipment and treatment for life. The goal of Napoli Shkolnik PLLC in handling birth injury lawsuits is to help families recover financial compensation that will provide for the best medical treatment and care for their children. We also aim to increase awareness of medical professionals' responsibility for these injuries in order to save other families from having to experience the same trauma. Our attorneys represent clients across New York who have seen their children injured, disabled or worse because of a medical professional's negligence. To discuss your options and legal rights with a skilled professional, we recommend contacting our office to schedule a free consultation with a New York birth injury lawyer.

Birth Injuries vs. Birth Defects

Our attorneys understand the importance of educating our clients as we approach their birth injury lawsuits. Not only do we understand complex medical terminology and procedures related to childbirth, but we understand the laws of New York State as they apply to these important matters. Though some may confuse the two or even consider that birth injuries and defects are the same thing, this is not the case. A birth defect is an abnormality that is present at birth, caused by a genetic factor or prenatal event. Certain medications and alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy may lead to birth defects. A birth injury is sustained during labor or delivery. Physical trauma during a complicated or difficult delivery may cause a baby to suffer from minor to serious injuries. Some amount of trauma is normal as the baby passes through the birth canal in a vaginal delivery, and in certain cases injuries may be unavoidable no matter a doctor's quick thinking or skill level, but in some situations birth injuries are caused by negligence or malpractice. If your child was diagnosed with a medical condition, it is important to determine whether this is the result of a birth defect or a preventable birth injury. In addition to involving qualified medical professionals, you may wish to consider discussing your legal options with a lawyer. If it is determined that your child's condition was caused by a preventable error in the labor or delivery room, you may be able to seek financial compensation that can help you pay for the best medical care for your child. Medical care for birth injuries like cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, brachial plexus injury and others can be extremely expensive. The last thing you should have to worry about is how you will pay for the care your child needs. That is where our New York medical malpractice law firm comes in the picture. With our resources and power behind your case, you can feel confident that we will do everything we can to hold the at-fault party or parties accountable.

Delivery Room Errors

There are many delivery room errors that can have catastrophic consequences for both the mother and baby. An epidural may be administered improperly, leading to serious complications and subsequent birth injuries. A nurse may fail to monitor the mother's vital signs or the fetal heart monitor, or may wait too long to respond to signs of distress on the fetal monitor. A care provider may administer the wrong medication or the wrong dose and cause injury to the baby after delivery. Other examples of delivery room errors include forced delivery, delayed cesarean section, improper extraction of an infant and miscalculation of contractions. When you file a birth injury lawsuit, much of the information presented in court is scientific or medical in nature. It is important that you have an experienced legal team to provide access to expert medical witnesses and legal nurse consultants who can help gather evidence and interview witnesses. If you consult with an attorney about a birth injury, you should bring all available medical records and documentation with you to your appointment so the information can be reviewed. It can be used to determine if you have a valid claim and can also be used to begin preparing for your case.

Helping Victims of Birth Injuries in New York

Here at Napoli Shkolnik PLLC, we have a considerable amount of experience in handling medical malpractice cases such as those involving birth injuries. We appear regularly in state and federal courts in New York and across the U.S. With our headquarters in New York City, we focus our birth injury practice in New York. We can work with you to file a lawsuit to seek compensation for medical expenses and other losses that you have suffered as a result of your child's injury or condition. We can provide medical experts to give testimony on your behalf and have the experience and knowledge needed to review medical evidence and use it in negotiating a settlement or preparing for a jury trial. Don't let the statute of limitations run out on your right to file a birth injury claim.Contact a birth injury lawyer for a free case review.
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